Non-GMO Protein Bars

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are found in many foods, but if you’re looking for non-GMO protein bars, Dr. Jen’s Ultimate Protein Bars are just the bar for you. Our non-GMO gluten-free protein bars were created by Dr. Jen herself, who only believes in using natural and healthy ingredients. This is why all our protein bar flavors are non-GMO.

The search for non-GMO protein bars can be hard, especially with many manufacturers using synthetic and artificial ingredients. But we’re dedicated to consistently providing our customers with pure protein non-GMO bars that only use the best ingredients. This means we use all-natural ingredients in each of our gluten-free bars, making them the best non-GMO protein bars available.

What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?

Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are a type of organism that has modified genetic makeup. This means a plant, animal, or microorganism has been genetically engineered in a lab, creating genes that aren’t naturally occurring.

GMOs are typically used as a way for organisms to withstand herbicides or produce an insecticide. Sometimes they are used to prevent some produce from browning or wilting. Since there are no long-term studies on the effect of consuming GMOs, it’s unknown whether they are safe to consume.

Superfoods and Non-GMO

While many foods contain GMOs today, we can proudly say our protein bars are non-GMO. Since our protein bars were formulated in Dr. Jen’s kitchen, we opt out of using any ingredients that aren’t natural or organic. Dr. Jen believes in only using all-natural ingredients. All our ingredients have been harvested, grown, or raised ecologically and contain no GMOs. Our non-GMO gluten-free protein bars also don’t contain any artificial ingredients or flavoring.

Instead of using highly processed ingredients like many other protein bar brands, we choose to use all-natural superfoods. Superfoods like spinach, quinoa, banana, kale, and blueberries help make our pure protein non-GMO bars incredibly healthy and delicious!

Try the Best Non-GMO Protein Bars Today

The next time you’re looking for the best non-GMO protein bars, be sure to give Dr. Jen’s Ultimate Protein Bars a try! Not only do our protein bars contain no genetically modified organisms, but they use all-natural and healthy ingredients to give you a nutritional and beneficial protein bar.

All our bars are also gluten-free and low sugar, and we offer options like vegan, plant-based, and allergy-friendly protein bars. We have a variety of flavors to choose from as well, so be sure to try our non-GMO protein bars today!

We’re also available to answer any questions or concerns you might have about our non-GMO protein bars. Feel free to contact us for more information.